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What is a health insurance marketplace?
It’s an online store for health insurance. We can shop and compare plans from different insurance companies in the marketplace.
How do I get free health insurance?
You may be able to enroll in Medicaid coverage at no cost if you meet specific income qualifications.
What happens if I underestimate or overestimate my annual income when applying for my subsidy?
If you underestimate your income and receive too much financial assistance, you may have to pay some of it back. If you make more than 400% of the Federal Poverty Level and should not have qualified for a subsidy, you must pay it all back. If you overestimate your income and don’t receive enough assistance, the IRS will credit you with the difference at tax time.
Can I still apply for a plan outside of open enrollment?
Suppose you already enrolled for coverage and want to change to a different plan. In that case, you may only do so during the annual open enrollment period unless you have a qualifying event. Experiencing a qualifying event makes you eligible for a special enrollment period (SEP). Qualifying events can include:
Change in income
Getting married
Having a baby
Getting divorced
Death in the family
Moving to a new city or state